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About Sarah

Sarah Rapaport is an NCCAOM and California State board certified Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Diplomate of Oriental Medicine who lives & writes in Israel and the U.S.
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Behind the Power of the Needle!

Health and Wellness Benefits in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
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Holistic Health Resources for Jerusalem, Israel and All Around the Globe!
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Great Things To Know About Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
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Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

A Deeper Look!
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Home of Jerusalem's Premiere Womens' Wellness Blog

Latest NewsThe world of Acupuncture by Sarah


Winter Treats!

By: Shelley Shafran

This week in Israel is one of rains of blessing. The temperature has dropped and the Mashiv HaRu’ach has the winds howling and the rain falling. And how to remember these droves of rain, sleet and hail are a blessing when you emerge from the wind-swept day, shivering to your core? Crockpot cider, of course!
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INNER WISDOM Insights by noted author and lecturer Benjamin Rapaport

Take a little moment to have a cup of tea or cup of sanity and explore some of the ways we can soften into the day with these powerful insights. Love and blessings for a very happy Teusday! x S


Before training in martial arts, practitioners stretch in order to be as flexible as possible. The reason is simple: When they get pulled, flipped, twisted, and turned, they do not want to break or tear something. Experience has taught them that being able to bend keeps them from getting broken. Read more


Shelley's Tov Meod Teusday's Tips Continue!!!

Shelley’s Tov Meod Teusdays:

Cleaning. There are those who find cleaning like dishwashing to be a calming meditative practice and then there are those of us who find spirituality in other activities relegating house cleaning to chores. Recently I have moved from the latter approach to the former and while scrubbing the bathtub and rinsing glasses are not my favorite activities I have come to welcome them as important steps in guarding the health of my home and in turn my own well-being. Read more
