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Frequently Asked Questions:

Do Needles Hurt?
The needles are as fine as a strand of hair and most often when inserted, patients will feel nothing, other times they may feel a small tingling sensation.

What can I expect?
During your first visit with Sarah you will be given a thorough consultation, which includes a comprehensive health history, diagnosis and acupuncture that usually lasts about an hour an half to two hours. Follow up sessions are typically an hour in duration.

Is it safe?
At Acupuncture by Sarah both safety and cleanliness are extremely important to us. Only single use sterile disposable acupuncture needles are used and linens are laundered daily. In addition to her masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sarah is certified in Clean Needle Technique and CPR.

Prior to your visit:
Please download the Health History forms and Informed Consent. Be sure to eat a little snack/meal about 1-2 hours before your treatment. Make sure to bring a list of medications you’re currently on and if possible try not to brush your tongue on the morning of your treatment.

After your visit:
Please try and take some time to rest, there’s often a good sense of wellness and overall relaxation, bank in on this time and try not to use all your good energetic reserve at once.

Make sure to have a small amount of protein within 1-2 hours of treatment in order to maintain an even blood sugar and prevent feeling depleted.